We are very excited to have new foster parents join our team!
We guide you through the certification process and qualifications to become a licensed foster parent with OCP and the State of Oregon. Basically, you need to be able to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving home for the youth you foster. You will need to attend training classes that teach you about foster parenting, expectations, working with the family of origin and more.
Most people who apply to become a foster parent have thought about it for a long time and are usually anxious to complete everything and have children placed with them. We make sure our families are fully prepared and supported throughout the certification process.
Overview of Certification Timeline:
- Adults, 21 years of age or older, either single or a couple.
- Complete the Application Packet.
- Provide at least four (4) positive references.
- Schedule a “qualifying home visit” with an OCP Licensing Coordinator who will inspect and complete a preparation summary/home study. Home studies provide comprehensive family social histories, highlight individual strengths for foster parenting and determine the type of child/youth that would be most successful in your home.
- Choose the program you would like to work with. Our foster parents are certified by the Oregon Youth Authority or Department of Human Services/Child Welfare. This depends on the age and the program of the youth that you are interested in welcoming into your home.
- Attend Oregon Community Programs 2-day foster parent training.
- Pass a criminal history and background check, including fingerprints. (All adults in the household). This process can take up to 3 to 4 weeks.
- Attend 4 Foster Parent Support Group Meetings. These meetings are 2 hours long.
- Pass a physical environment inspection which includes assuring that there is adequate bedroom space for a child and the home provides a safe, friendly environment.
- Complete 30 hours of pre-service training provided by OCP. The two day training is part of these hours.
Congratulations! You are now ready to place a child in your home. What’s next?
A Program Supervisor will call you regarding children that have been referred to the program in which you have expressed interest. Before a child is placed, you will review the child’s file and you can either accept or decline taking the child into your home.
During the certification process, the Program Supervisor will call you each week to check in and see how things are progressing and answer any questions or concerns you may have. We think it is important that you remain part of this process and talk to us frequently.
Online Training Forms:
Treatment Foster Care Oregon™ (TFCO™) Training – Training at OCP Office (12hrs)
Attending Foster Parent Support Groups (weekly thereafter) – Training at OCP Office (8hrs)
First Aid and CPR Training (4hrs)
Mandatory Reporter – Reporting child abuse and neglect. (2hrs)*
Prudent Parenting Video (2hrs)*
Suicide Prevention Video – Identifying suicidal behavior (2hrs)*
Alcohol Poisoning Prevention Video (symptoms and signs) (2hrs)*
Mandatory Cultural Diversity Video AND 1-pg. Worksheet (2hrs)*
Serving LGBTQ+ Youth in Juvenile Justice – video part 1, part 2 (2hrs)*
Mandatory BRS Training (documentation) – Training at OCP Office (2hrs)
Optional Reading: “Off Road Parenting” by Chamberlin – Book available to check out at OCP (4hrs)
*Please include a small paragraph on this subject after watching video
OYA Foster Parents only:
Mandatory OYA Suicide Prevention 2-pg. Worksheet (2hrs)
OYA Positive Human Development Video AND 2-pg. Worksheet (2hrs)